Smith Six

Smith Six

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Play Time!!

Yes that is my 22 month old on a bike. He seriously thinks he can ride it, and it wont surprise me at all if he is peddling up a storm very shortly. He has done everything (except talk and walk) earlier than all the other boys. I guess I should say he has a way of finding a way of doing what his brothers are doing. Everyday they want to play outside until dark. Its great and all, but in South Mississippi the mosquitos are very vicious! However, it's worth it to watch them play with one another. I love seeing how creative they can be. Yesterday they were pretending to have a family picnic. Tucker was standing over the grill pretending to be the Daddy. He looked over at Tyke and said "Ok Tyke pretend you are the Grannie and go bake us a cake:)" I was surprised that Tyke took that role in stride as he walked over to the patio table and began to "bake a cake." I"m so glad they have each other. Even though four young boys can, at times, create great chaos it is worth to to see their bond.

Last night Seth came in and said, "Mama (me), the boys are making history out here." Tucker and Tyke had gotten their baseball gloves out of their bat bags and were playing catch. This may not sound like history, but it definitely was for many reasons. First, Seth usually is the one to encourage a game of throw and catch, and second, Tyke is just learning to catch the ball in the air as it is thrown to him. This made it possible for them to actually have a real game of catch. Titan, was very insulted that he was not invited to play. Therefore, any time either boy missed the ball he would run get it, and take off with the ball. This was his way of making sure he was involved in some way:) You gotta love little brothers. In the end Tucker was nice enough to take a little time with Titan. When the game with Tyke was over he stayed outside to throw him a few.

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