Smith Six

Smith Six

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Play Time!!

Yes that is my 22 month old on a bike. He seriously thinks he can ride it, and it wont surprise me at all if he is peddling up a storm very shortly. He has done everything (except talk and walk) earlier than all the other boys. I guess I should say he has a way of finding a way of doing what his brothers are doing. Everyday they want to play outside until dark. Its great and all, but in South Mississippi the mosquitos are very vicious! However, it's worth it to watch them play with one another. I love seeing how creative they can be. Yesterday they were pretending to have a family picnic. Tucker was standing over the grill pretending to be the Daddy. He looked over at Tyke and said "Ok Tyke pretend you are the Grannie and go bake us a cake:)" I was surprised that Tyke took that role in stride as he walked over to the patio table and began to "bake a cake." I"m so glad they have each other. Even though four young boys can, at times, create great chaos it is worth to to see their bond.

Last night Seth came in and said, "Mama (me), the boys are making history out here." Tucker and Tyke had gotten their baseball gloves out of their bat bags and were playing catch. This may not sound like history, but it definitely was for many reasons. First, Seth usually is the one to encourage a game of throw and catch, and second, Tyke is just learning to catch the ball in the air as it is thrown to him. This made it possible for them to actually have a real game of catch. Titan, was very insulted that he was not invited to play. Therefore, any time either boy missed the ball he would run get it, and take off with the ball. This was his way of making sure he was involved in some way:) You gotta love little brothers. In the end Tucker was nice enough to take a little time with Titan. When the game with Tyke was over he stayed outside to throw him a few.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sick little boys

We had a wonderful spring break, which  I will post pictures of soon! After our first day of being back to work and school I was greeted by Titan with a huge warm hug. When I picked him up and all the kids were playing outside except him I knew something wasn't right. He began crying and grabbing his stomach as we were getting in the car. As my kids do very often he projectile vomited all over the car including Tucker's backpack and completed homework:) Loud crys from everyone erupted immediately. Titan was crying because, well don't we all cry when we puke, Tyke was crying and gagging because of the smell, Tucker was HYSTERICAL because his backpack and most importantly his homework was COVERED in puke, and Trac was crying because he was still waiting on his turn to get in the car, and felt neglected! This is just one of the MANY times they have all felt very upset in unison! I breathe, try to focus on the most immediate task, and go from there. After about 15 minutes of changing clothes and cleaning puke we all finally got settled...well I thought. As I am finishing up buckling Trac's seat I stuck my hand in something that I thought was puke I somehow missed. NO it was a VERY yucky stinking bulging mess coming out of Trac's diaper. This was not my idea of starting off our afternoon nicely.

I had planned to go home and make a good dinner, since it was one of our only nights without somewhere to go. Luckily my sister was kind enough to meet me at the grocery store so I could quickly go in and grab the couple items I needed without dragging all four very disgruntled kids along with me. As I got home and half way into dinner two of my kids were burning up and clinging to me like glue. Needless to say after a very long night we made a visit to the doctor first thing the next morning. I sent Tucker to school, because he was fine. I made the appointment for Titan and Trac, but before we left the office Tyke was burning up too. They ALL tested positive for STREP. We left there with 7 prescriptions, and we are on the mend now. I hate for my kids to be sick for many reasons 1-I feel helpless for  them 2- They all want my undivided attention and it's very hard to give it to them all at once and 3- The constant medicating of them and laundry washing is exhausting. Also, this was Seth's first full week of Spring football practices, so he managed to pretty much dodge this bullet all together...
This is the chair he wanted to stay in. He threw up all over both of us in this chair. He was so sweet though, he kept saying "Mommie will you just wock me and sing me a wuwiby (song)?" I couldn't tell him no!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

WEE Easter Parties

We had our annual WEE school Easter parties today. There was lots of candy, plastic eggs, and fun!!!

Titan Landon & Hayden- Sweet Sweet Memories!!

Titan with a mouth full and Lennox!!

Me and Titan

Tyke was SO excited about his findings!!
 Ethan, Tyke, and Titan (My handsome boys NEED a haircut very bad)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Go Phillies!!

We recently had opening day for T-ball. We were very excited about our little team this year. We are the Phillies. The opening weekend tournament started on Thursday. We were fortunate enough to win our way through to the championship game! It was a great game against the Ole Miss Rebels, but we pulled it out! I get great joy from watching my boys play ball. We have many great times ahead of us at the ballpark!

Smith boys ready for a day at the park!!

Tuck on 1st
 Titan cheering on his Phillies

Proud Daddy

Tournament Champs


Who knew a snake in a ditch could be so exciting. My baby who is a wild child loves to dive into this ditch. We have tried every trick in the book to keep him away from it, but out of all the boys he seems to be the MOST hard headed!! Therefore, it was of great importance to get the snake out!! Seth tried a sphere, a bat and a bb gun:) (the bb gun was strictly to thrill the boys') Needless to say we were unsuccessful. This provided a good 45 minutes of entertainment for my gang!!  I love the fact they are still small enough to be so easily in awe!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Great Friends

My boys and my childhood best friends' boys...great times. We decided to take the baby and her daughter shopping and leave them with their Daddys. This is what we came back too!!!

A few random pics of our crew:)

Mommy and sweet Trac!!
Coach Smith doing what he does:)

Tykey Ethan (my nephew) and Titan

SWEET Tucker with his pumkin he is so proud of!!

It's about time!!!

Here they are...Tucker, Tyke, Titan, and Trac. YES it's not only a mouth full, but a handful as well. My husband always prayed for at least one boy, and he got four. As you can see I just kept tyring for that girl. Well, she never came, but in the process I was bless with four boys who LOVE their Mama!!

My husband Seth is a high school football coach at Pearl River Central High School. He is the most Godly man I know and for that I am eternally grateful. He is a great husband (on most days:)) We are childhood sweethearts. We met in 5th grade at a middle school dance, and the rest is history!!! I was a stay at home mom for three years, but this August I made the BIG decision to go back to work! It was very bittersweet. We have a lot of great friends and family that have made this transition possible. I teach Family and Consumer Sciences (a fancy name for home-ec) at Pearl River Central High School. Its a wonderful job. I teach food and nutrition. We cook lots of great things. It is great fun:) I also teach child development. I get to teach these high school students how to grow up and be functional parents. They take a life-like baby home to show them what parenting is really about. Family Dynamics is fun too. We discuss family functions and realtionships. I feel like their generation is stuggling in this department. I love being able to go to work everyday and have to possiblity to make an impact on someone's life.

So, I have been following my friend's blog for a long time now. I decided it was time for me to jump on the bandwagon of bloggers and start my own. This is a great way to write some of the great, and not so great, things my kids say and do. Having four kids under the age of six the idea of writing it all down in a baby book is just not realistic anymore.