Smith Six

Smith Six

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Great Friends

My boys and my childhood best friends' boys...great times. We decided to take the baby and her daughter shopping and leave them with their Daddys. This is what we came back too!!!

A few random pics of our crew:)

Mommy and sweet Trac!!
Coach Smith doing what he does:)

Tykey Ethan (my nephew) and Titan

SWEET Tucker with his pumkin he is so proud of!!

It's about time!!!

Here they are...Tucker, Tyke, Titan, and Trac. YES it's not only a mouth full, but a handful as well. My husband always prayed for at least one boy, and he got four. As you can see I just kept tyring for that girl. Well, she never came, but in the process I was bless with four boys who LOVE their Mama!!

My husband Seth is a high school football coach at Pearl River Central High School. He is the most Godly man I know and for that I am eternally grateful. He is a great husband (on most days:)) We are childhood sweethearts. We met in 5th grade at a middle school dance, and the rest is history!!! I was a stay at home mom for three years, but this August I made the BIG decision to go back to work! It was very bittersweet. We have a lot of great friends and family that have made this transition possible. I teach Family and Consumer Sciences (a fancy name for home-ec) at Pearl River Central High School. Its a wonderful job. I teach food and nutrition. We cook lots of great things. It is great fun:) I also teach child development. I get to teach these high school students how to grow up and be functional parents. They take a life-like baby home to show them what parenting is really about. Family Dynamics is fun too. We discuss family functions and realtionships. I feel like their generation is stuggling in this department. I love being able to go to work everyday and have to possiblity to make an impact on someone's life.

So, I have been following my friend's blog for a long time now. I decided it was time for me to jump on the bandwagon of bloggers and start my own. This is a great way to write some of the great, and not so great, things my kids say and do. Having four kids under the age of six the idea of writing it all down in a baby book is just not realistic anymore.